International Forum: «Tech & Intelligence in BANKING: CUSTOMER-FIRST»

Date: July 17, 2024 Time: 09.00-18.00 Format: Offline/Online
Address: Kyiv, str. Bolsunovska, 13-15 IQ BUSINESS CENTER, 2nd floor

Welcome to join the event “Tech & Intelligence in Banking: Customer-First”, organized for banks and technology companies interested in collaboration in the banking sector. Our main goal is to prioritize customers and their satisfaction, understanding that it is the key to success in modern banking. We also aim to bring together representatives of technology companies and potential clients from the banking, insurance, and financial sectors to discuss advanced solutions and developments aimed at improving customer relations in banking. We gather experts and innovators to find optimal solutions that meet the needs of the modern world of banking technology. Join our event to participate in exciting debates and idea exchange!

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+38 (050) 523-56-46
+38 (067) 501-01-66​